Debridement of the Achilles Tendon

Debridement of the Achilles tendon is a surgical procedure that removes damaged tissue and calcium deposits from the tendon. This procedure alleviates pain associated with Achilles tendonitis.

What You Need To Know About Debridement Of The Achilles Tendon

What is a Debridement of the Achilles Tendon?

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It connects your calf muscles to your heel bone and is used when you walk, run, and jump.

Achilles tendonitis is a common condition that causes pain along the back of the leg near the heel. Achilles tendinitis results from repetitive or intense strain on the Achilles tendon, and over time, damaged tissue can accumulate on the tendon, preventing adequate healing.

Achilles tendon debridement surgery removes this damaged tissue. Debridement of the Achilles Tendon promotes healing by improving the blood flow in the affected area and exposing healthy tissue.

Getting the best possible results for your Achilles tendon debridement and repair starts with a visit to Resurgens Foot & Ankle Center. Visit one of our Metro Atlanta locations today.

Why is a Debridement of the Achilles Tendon Performed?

Debridement removes damaged tissue from the Achilles tendon and stitches together the remaining healthy tendon. Achilles tendon debridement and repair alleviates the pain caused by the constant inflammation of the damaged tissue.

In cases where there is not enough healthy tendon remaining to function adequately alone, a tendon from the big toe may be transferred to the Achilles tendon to reinforce it.

How to Prepare For a Debridement of The Achilles Tendon

Prior to your Achilles tendon debridement and repair, a Resurgens physician will review necessary preoperative steps with you, including what to bring with you to your surgical appointment, any food, drink, or medications to avoid before surgery and any items such as crutches you may want to have on hand for after your surgery.

Certain laboratory tests may be ordered before your surgery. These diagnostic tools will help your surgeon plan your ideal treatment. You will also want to arrange transportation home from surgery and during the Achilles tendon debridement post-op phase of your recovery.

What Happens During a Debridement of the Achilles Tendon?

Achilles tendon debridement and repair is performed under general and local anesthesia. The surgeon creates an incision along the Achilles tendon and carefully examines the tendon and the sheath that surrounds it. Damaged tissue and calcium deposits are removed. Depending on the Achilles tendon debridement technique necessary, the healthy portions of the tendon may be reinforced.

Achilles tendon debridement and repair exposes healthy tissue and encourages blood flow through the damaged area to promote healing. Incisions in your tendon sheath and skin are closed with stitches, and your ankle is put into a splint to immobilize it. A more extensive procedure, such as a tendon transfer, may be necessary if the tendon has severely deteriorated.

Are There Risks Associated With a Debridement of the Achilles Tendon?

All surgical procedures carry some risk. The risk of complications from debridement of the Achilles tendon is low and includes infection, slow healing, and a recurrence of tendonitis.

Your Resurgens physician will discuss any risks specific to your unique condition and medical history.

Achilles Tendon Debridement Post-Op & Recovery

Following surgery, your ankle will be immobilized in a splint or a cast. You will use crutches during the first stage of healing. Most patients are allowed to walk in a removable boot or cast within two weeks.

Physical therapy will be an important element of your Achilles debridement recovery time. Regular physical therapy helps you regain strength, endurance, and range of motion. Full recovery after Achilles tendon debridement surgery can take up to a year.

Visit one of our Metro Atlanta locations today to learn about Achilles debridement.

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