Triple Arthrodesis

Triple arthrodesis is a surgical procedure that relieves ankle joint pain and corrects hindfoot deformities caused by injury, arthritis, and genetics. By fusing the three primary joints of the hindfoot, patients may achieve greater stability and mobility.

What You Need To Know About Triple Arthrodesis

What is Triple Arthrodesis?

Triple arthrodesis relieves pain in the ankle joint and corrects deformities in the hindfoot caused by injury, arthritis, or genetic defect. A triple foot arthrodesis procedure improves stability and balance by fusing the three main joints in the hindfoot that allow side-to-side movement: the calcaneo-cuboid, talonavicular, and subtalar joints.

Finding the right surgeon for your triple arthrodesis procedure starts with a visit to Resurgens Orthopaedics. Schedule an appointment at one of our many Metro Atlanta locations today.

Why is Triple Arthrodesis Performed?

Ankle pain resulting from arthritic, deformed, or unstable joints can lead to a loss of mobility. Fusing the hindfoot joints improves stability and allows for easier standing and walking. When conservative treatment options such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), physical therapy, strapping, steroid injections, and bracing are insufficient, triple arthrodesis may be recommended.

What Happens During Triple Arthrodesis?

At the beginning of a triple arthrodesis procedure, an anesthetic is administered. An incision is made on each side of the foot, and cartilage is removed from between the bones of the three joints being fused. If the bones of your foot are misaligned, your surgeon will correct their positions.

Once the bones fit together tightly, they are joined using hardware. Your surgeon may add bone graft to help these joints fuse as your foot heals.

At the end of the procedure, the incisions are closed. Your foot will be bandaged and immobilized. You can expect to wear a cast or brace during the healing process. Follow your care plan for a safe recovery.

Are There Risks Associated With Triple Arthrodesis?

All surgeries come with potential complications, including the risks associated with anesthesia, infection, damage to nerves and blood vessels, and bleeding or blood clots.

The development of arthritis in other foot and ankle joints is one of the most common triple arthrodesis complications. These changes can take years or even decades to develop, and many never become noticeable to the patient.

Post Triple Arthrodesis & Recovery

Adhering to the prescribed care plan will help insure a successful recovery. Postoperative instructions for triple arthrodesis recovery include:

  • Not smoking.

  • Elevating the foot.

  • Avoiding any weight on foot.

  • Keeping the surgical dressing clean and dry.

Following your triple arthrodesis procedure, you may need to be hospitalized for 2 to 3 days. Your leg will be placed in a splint that reaches up to your knee, and you may require crutches for walking. You will be prescribed pain medication to relieve postoperative pain. The foot will have to be kept raised to reduce swelling, with no weight on it for the first two weeks to minimize swelling and allow for healing of the skin. Stitches may be removed 2 to 3 weeks after surgery.

  • Full weight bearing is reached within approximately three months. During this time, the foot may be placed into a cast or walking boot.

Resurgens Foot & Ankle specialists represent Georgia's largest orthopaedic center. Schedule an appointment at one of our many Metro Atlanta locations to learn more.

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